Common Mistakes Identified by UAE Interior Design Company

Going at it without a plan:

The most important stage is to plan before beginning to redecorate and work on the interiors. One becomes acutely aware of what remains, what is eliminated, and what and how it is replaced after putting all the current information on paper. Before making any purchases, consider how they will fit into your plans. To determine whether the work and expense are worthwhile, picture the outcome beforehand.

Not measuring the space:

Eyeballing sounded like a wonderful idea until you realized the sofa was much larger than you anticipated. The bedroom cannot accommodate the rug. Before purchasing furniture and accessories, it is essential to measure the area to ensure that the purchases complement the room.

Bad lighting:

People frequently ignore illumination, however poor lighting negatively affects how visitors perceive the area. Your home shouldn't be very dark or light. You want it to be flawless, therefore consulting an expert would be preferable to trying it out yourself.

Trends over personality:

Trendy or "in" aesthetics don't necessarily equate to comfort or a fit with your personality. Trends are attractive, but the best-looking environment is one that reflects your individuality and feels like you. You need a place where you feel comfortable in all facets of your personality. Therefore, character always wins over fashion!

Ignoring colors:

Neutral colors are great, and we're all for them, but if you use them all over, your home will seem uninteresting. By adding various colors to various rooms all throughout the area, you may provide intrigue and a sense of newness and freshness.


The artwork gives a space character, yet crowded or awkwardly placed art may be unsettling. Many people's biggest pet dislike is artwork that is above or below eye level, and even if it is, it doesn't give off a good vibe. Choose art that complements the interior's motif. It should connect to your character, and is on eye level so it feels comfortable to look at

Taking from over functionality:

While at the store, you could have fallen in love with that lamp because of its unusual form, but it is not at all useful. That whole sum of money is lost. To make the area simpler to live in, a functional design and functional accessories are required.

Visit the Best Interior Design Company in UAE

It is preferable to utilize expert assistance if you believe you could do one of these errors, or even just one if you decide to renovate on your own. You've made the decision to get it done properly, so look no further if you're looking for an interior design firm in UAE.

The most seasoned interior design firm in UAE is Creative Shelf. has a thorough grasp of lighting, size, color schemes, and the arrangement of the furnishings. constructing a fantastic home for you to live in.

Visit to browse their work. See how they avoid interior design blunders, then choose the top firm in UAE to design your place right now!


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